Start To Finish
Race For Good
Race Guards is the only in-race first aid company in the country. Our team of endurance athletes and medical professionals run the entire race course from start to finish providing first aid and medical support along the way. We touch thousands of runners at these races and their pre-race expos.
An alliance with Race Guards reaches athletes and their families in target markets through a comprehensive branding, activation, marketing and social media campaign.
Our sponsors benefit from an alignment with events that are giving back to the community and providing a safe and rewarding race experience for athletes. Participants love having Race Guards on the course. Race Guards are your on-course ambassadors to get participants safely and confidently to the finish line
We look forward to hearing from Race Guards applicants and sponsors and engaging in further dialogue to discuss an impactful alliance with Race Guards for 2021 and beyond.
Together, We Race For Good
“Thank you Race Guards and Dr. Laura Dowd for saving my life at the Dallas Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon. Dr Dowd took great care of the situation and gave me CPR immediately when my heart stopped. She saved my life and gave me a second chance. Race Guards save lives!”
– Ron T., participant and cardiac arrest survivor
Dallas Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon
Join the Race Guards Team
Race For Good. Volunteer Today! We are always looking for new Race Guards team members who have a passion for giving back and ideally have medical field experience.
Partner with Race Guards
Be Seen Every Step Of The Way! We are grateful to the many corporations and non-profit community partners who support us through their investments in Race Guards.
Hire Race Guards
Race Guards At Your Next Event. Race Guards bring an extra level of medical support to every race with our certified team of volunteers out on the course.
Donate to Race Guards
We need your support! Race Guards is a volunteer based organization. Your donation will help to bring Race Guards to more races and cities in 2018!