Spotlight on Adrienne Candalore, San Diego


This month I interviewed one of our most dedicated and hard working Race Guards, Adrienne Candalore. A member of our San Diego team she participates in every race that she can and is always willing to do whatever task is needed. We are lucky to have her on our team!

Dr Laura Dowd and Adrienne at Finish Chelsea's Run 2016

Q.  How did you first become interested in Race Guards?

A.  I had been running for about 5 years.  I was doing 3 or 4 races per month.  I originally started running after a coworker was diagnosed with cancer.  A group of about 30 began training through Team in Training for the 2008 San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon.  After running so many races for my own reasons, I didn't know it, but I was looking for a better reason.  One of my social media savvy running buddies told me about Race Guards. That reason ended up being Race Guards.

Q.  How has becoming a Race Guards member impacted your life?
A.  In my Law Enforcement profession, I sometimes see a side of humanity I would just as soon forget.  My volunteerism and being part of the running community help add much needed balance and perspective to my life.

Q. Can you tell us a bit about the most recent event you participated in?
A. I last participated in the La Jolla Half Marathon on April 24th.  We had a fantastic group of 20 Race Guards.  The runners were so gracious to us and did not hesitate about asking for assistance. The lack of shyness of the participants reinforces what a wonderful job the organization does as a whole. Race Guards exhibit professionalism, are well-trained, and are completely approachable. We are well stocked with our sponsored supplies and frequently hear the athletes request Biofreeze, Perform, chafing remedies, salt, and water among other things.  

Q. What is your most memorable moment from a Race Guards event?
A.  Laura Dowd and I were partnered up at the San Jose Rock N Roll last year. We were getting toward the end of the course and decided to turn around and watch the runners as they came toward us.  One man immediately grabbed our attention.  He was a large man, 6 ft. or so, medium build, wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for his facial expression.  As he got closer, he started to weave a bit.   Laura and I moved toward him and without saying a word to each other, we flanked him and grabbed him under the arms.  We quickly moved him to the side of the road as he lost consciousness. EMS was called, and we monitored his ABC's until they arrived.  He was in such bad shape he wasn't treated at the scene.  The paramedics scooped him up onto a gurney and transported him to the hospital for treatment.   
We never found out what exactly was wrong with him, but what we did know is that he did not sustain any injuries from collapsing while still running.
Q.  What is your funniest moment?
A.  There have been so many silly moments over the pasts several years.  We were at a run out of town a couple years ago. The lead Race Guards member realized we were missing a crucial supply and out of desperation sent Laura and I to the store to try to find it.  She and I ended up at Target in the costume department.  We were ridiculous and have the photos to prove it.  I am sure that store security officers watching on the cameras wanted to come join in our fun. Who knew bacon and eggs was a "hot" costume for 2014?
Q.  What is your favorite post race pig-out food?
A.  In-N-Out Burger is my post-race guilty pleasure.

Q.  What is your fitness background and have you had any physical challenges or injuries along the way?
A.  I was rather a late bloomer as far as running goes.  Like a lot of people, I shared the, "If you're running you stole something" mentality. I was in my 40's when I started running without someone yelling at me to do so (military or academy).
Once I got that first full marathon under my belt, I just kept on.  Now that I am a Race Guards member, I just keep on!

Q. How would you sum up your philosophy of life in one sentence?

A. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Q. How does being a Race Guards member tie into your philosophy of life?
A. Race Guards is one of the rare opportunities to do pure good for others.  We ask for nothing in return but the chance to be of service to others, and perhaps a smile.  We get to assist race participants while participating in an activity we enjoy doing.

Thank you, Adrienne. We are so glad that you keep on keeping on with Race Guards!


Interviewed by Race Guard Patty Mas